
Effective Communication in the Workplace: 5 Ways Team Cohesion Works as a Motivator


Most workplace teams are made up of individuals holding diverse roles, accountability and levels of authority. Chances are that you’ll spend on average 38 hours a week with your colleagues and these people take up such a substantial proportion of your time so realistically it should matter that you have the best relationship with them that you can. Here are just some of the reasons why having good relationships with colleagues will make your life more enjoyable generally and increase your own personal happiness and motivation at work.


For most of us, going to work is not chiefly designed to be fun. Unavoidably, there will be occasions where you are under pressure and out of your comfort zone and you will need to deal with this in order to be successful. Of course, some days your work can be frenzied and you will be so busy being productive that time will go very quickly and you won’t have time for much interaction with colleagues; but at other times they will be your rock. Being forthcoming and sociable with people at work, even if they aren’t the kind of individual you would otherwise spend time with, can keep you happier and more motivated whilst you are there.

You’re Getting Paid Anyway

As it is your job we are talking about you’re getting paid to be there at any rate, but getting through the day is of course a little easier if you have people around you that you feel at relative ease with and can chat with in a spare five minutes.

Friendship is Important

Whilst not a workplace necessity, friendship is key to most of us in our lives. If you make the effort to gel with people at work, you might find stronger relationships develop out of the workplace too. It doesn’t matter if he/she is above or below you in your social/professional hierarchy, if you click as individuals a good relationship and rapport will be effortless.

Peace of Mind

With friendship, or even just mutual trust, kindness and empathy will be there from your teammates to help you through a difficult time. Even if you do form great friendships with these people, it is important to keep your mood as consistent as possible, if that means level headed professionalism or formality whilst in the office, then stick to it. They’ll appreciate you saving any personal drama for later and respect you for being a transparent, reliable member of the team.

Have Passion for your Profession

Whilst not true for everyone, the lucky ones among us have some passion for our career, or the industry that we work in. Maybe the thought of being passionate about your boss or fellow colleagues is asking a little much but by investing in them as people and your shared goals or passion for your work will lead to an increased team mentality.

Following these five reasons why team cohesion will benefit you as an individual, you should now see that it is important to make an effort to build long lasting rapports, possess admirable qualities, listen attentively and learn from those who have been in your position before. This will help you and the overall company to prosper if you aim to meet your colleague’s every day with a shared passion and purpose. Remember that when you were hired someone saw something good and important in you so return the favor by giving them the peace of mind that you won’t let them down.

Understanding the personalities of others and how they deal with situations in the workplace is a good starting place for relating to them and eventually bringing about a good working relationship with the possibility of greater friendship. A great team effectiveness training tool will establish each individual’s professional style and what motivates them, giving each member the opportunity to find their role within the team and how they can support and maintain good working relationships.

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Paul Tomaszewski is a science & tech writer as well as a programmer and entrepreneur. He is the founder and editor-in-chief of CosmoBC. He has a degree in computer science from John Abbott College, a bachelor's degree in technology from the Memorial University of Newfoundland, and completed some business and economics classes at Concordia University in Montreal. While in college he was the vice-president of the Astronomy Club. In his spare time he is an amateur astronomer and enjoys reading or watching science-fiction. You can follow him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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