• University Building
    Higher Education

    How Studying for an MBA Degree Can Benefit You

    In today’s society, there are a ton of career fields to pick from. For those who are interested in launching their own startup, gaining the right skills, experience, and credentials is important. Many entrepreneurs decide to embark on an MBA degree which can teach you everything you need to know about running your own business. To find out more, here are several reasons why you should pursue an MBA degree.

  • Success Employees

    4 Non-Financial Benefits to Lure the Best Workers to Your Business

    As we all know, we are in the age of the start-up. Even though the economy may have been a little shaky over recent times, this seems to have propelled a lot of entrepreneurs who have started their own enterprise and ultimately prospered. There’s just one problem with a lot of these young and ambitious companies; they don’t tend to be awash with cash. It means that even if they do attract very good workers, the chances of retaining them can be tricky. Or, they might not attract them at all. This is where you have got to think outside the box. Let’s take a look at some of the…

  • Kenworth Truck

    3 Strategies to Build a Profitable Trucking Business

    If you think starting a trucking business can be highly profitable, you’re right. Unfortunately, many of  the people who try every year will fail. This happens for a simple reason: they are good truckers, but not good business owners. If you want to start a profitable trucking business, then you need to know a lot more than how to drive a truck well and how to choose the fastest and safest route. To be successful in the trucking business, you must get good at running a business. To do well as a business owner in the trucking industry, focus on developing good money management strategies, good marketing strategies, and good…

  • Mobile Phone Castle

    3 Tips for Improving Communication in the Digital Workplace

    We live in the most connected time that any human being has ever lived in, and yet, it seems that we’ve grown worse at communicating as time has gone on. Gone are the days of the workforce that could rely on face-to-face communication as an workplace staple, as offices exist in both physical locales and in virtual spaces accessed from all over the globe. Communication all too often now boils down to textual exchanges between multiple time zones, sometimes even utilizing varying degrees of shorthand and emojis to get points across. Compounding the issue is the degree to which the current workforce can be considered intergenerational, with baby boomers on…

  • Millennials

    Millennials Are Coming Into Leadership

    Ever since the term “millennial” began coming up in workplace conversations, organizations have struggled with how to define and adapt to this disruptive new addition to the workforce. Nevertheless, members of this generation have come of age, and the businesses that employ them are doing alright — in fact, some of those businesses are even beginning to promote these millennials into leadership and management positions. Larry Alton, writing for Forbes, believes that these millennials are indeed prepared to take on leadership roles. He lists three main reasons: Age and experience: Alton cites HBR to show that the average age of first time managers is 30. He also cites Pew Research…

  • Laptop Working Business

    New Skills to Learn for Your Business

    When you start to develop your own small business, there are a lot of things which you will need to be able to juggle. Starting up a business is probably one of the hardest things you will do in your life, however if you put the work into it, it can also be the most rewarding thing too. As an entrepreneur you will be responsible for building your business brick by brick from the ground up, and this will require gallons of coffee, lots of late nights and plenty of pizza. Building a business isn’t just about someone who is determined working hard and putting the hours in, you will…

  • Smiley Emoji Leadership

    Were You Born To Follow Or Destined To Lead?

    Do you ever wonder whether you should be at the head of the table or in the room where the decisions are made in your company? Perhaps, you often wonder whether you have what it takes to run your own company. Well, you’re not alone because a lot of people ask this question of themselves. The truth is very few people can run a company successfully. You need the right skills, the knowledge and the mindset to succeed. What traits are talking about? Mark 542 Do you find that you give up after one attempt at making something work? Perhaps you only try to fix a computer once before you…

  • Leadership Businessmen Suit

    Side Effects of Leadership: Have You Got the People Skills to Succeed in Business?

    Being promoted to, or assuming a leadership role is more than likely to be seen as a major and positive development in life. Power, recognition and in most cases more money come with leadership roles. Friends and family will congratulate you, fulfilment will be anticipated and you’ll look forward to having the authority to implement your personal vision for success. Also comes considerable difficulty and trouble. There is a dark side of leadership and responsibility in today’s society. Hierarchy is important and unavoidable and those at the top have a duty to stay in touch with the needs of the masses. Leadership is an achievement and reflective of a high…