
The 3 Best Added Value Products For A Coffee Shop To Earn More Money

Coffee Shop Earn More Money

Running a successful coffee shop means more than just serving great coffee. You need the right employees, a good location, and a plan to increase revenue. Skilled baristas and friendly staff make customers happy and keep them coming back. Quality coffee and a busy spot are key, but profit margins are often tight.

To thrive, you must find ways to increase sales. One effective way to do this is by adding high-value products to your menu. Offering specialty drinks, gourmet food, and branded merchandise can boost your profits. These products not only attract more customers but also encourage them to spend more. In this article, we will go over several tips to help your coffee shop earn more money.

1. Juices and Smoothies

Adding juices and smoothies to your coffee shop menu can attract busy customers looking for a quick and healthy breakfast that aren’t interested in coffee. These drinks are tasty and healthy, providing a nice alternative to coffee.

It’s cheap to get started with this product as you only need a Vitamix blender and the fruit itself. You can easily mix different fruits and vegetables to create colorful, tasty drinks. Popular choices include green smoothies with spinach and kale, or tropical blends with pineapple and mango.

These drinks can increase your sales because customers often buy them along with other items. Having healthy options can also bring in new customers who might not be coffee drinkers.

2. Branded Merchandise

Selling branded merchandise can help your coffee shop earn more money and keep customers coming back. Items like mugs, t-shirts, and reusable coffee cups not only bring in extra cash but also advertise your shop when people use them.

Branded mugs are great because they are useful and remind customers of your shop each morning. T-shirts with your logo turn customers into walking ads. Reusable coffee cups, especially with a discount for bringing them back, encourage repeat visits and show you care about the environment.

To sell more merchandise, put these items where customers can easily see them, like near the counter or at the entrance. Special deals, like a free drink with a purchase, can also help boost sales.

Overall, branded merchandise increases your earnings and spreads your shop’s name around. Offering well-designed, useful items helps create a strong connection with your customers, turning them into loyal fans.

3. Specialty Desserts and Snacks

Adding special desserts and snacks to your coffee shop menu can make your customers happier and help you earn more money. Tasty, unique treats can attract more people and encourage them to spend more when they visit.

Offer a variety of desserts and snacks to meet different dietary needs. Vegan treats, gluten-free pastries, and gourmet cookies are good choices that can appeal to many customers.

To sell more of these items, place them where customers can easily see them, like near the counter. Attractive displays and clear labels can make these treats more tempting. Suggesting pairings, like a specific dessert with a certain coffee, can also help boost sales.

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Paul Tomaszewski is a science & tech writer as well as a programmer and entrepreneur. He is the founder and editor-in-chief of CosmoBC. He has a degree in computer science from John Abbott College, a bachelor's degree in technology from the Memorial University of Newfoundland, and completed some business and economics classes at Concordia University in Montreal. While in college he was the vice-president of the Astronomy Club. In his spare time he is an amateur astronomer and enjoys reading or watching science-fiction. You can follow him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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