• Businesswoman Interview

    Your Company’s HR Processes Probably Suck. Here’s Why

    It doesn’t matter whether you run a small business or a large corporation. Human resources are at the heart of your company and are pivotal in helping it grow. We all know that the people we hire are what makes our enterprises great and successful. So it will come as no surprise that a poorly implemented HR department will do your business no favors. Do you find that your business has a high turnover of staff? Are your employees generally unhappy about some aspects of their work? If the answer to either of those questions is yes, your HR processes probably suck. Here’s why: Your employees don’t know what they…

  • Health safety image by PAT Test North East. License: CC BY 2.0.

    Protecting Your Business From Disaster

    Although the modern business arena is brimming with opportunity for people with the right mindset, this is balanced out by a number of different risks and hazards which my pose a serious threat to the company you’ve worked so hard to establish. Obviously, you don’t want your business to come crashing down due to one little instance of negligence! Here are a few important tips for protecting your business from disaster.

  • Simply Removals Example

    5 Examples of Psychology on Landing Pages

    As a digital marketing company we spend a lot of time studying conversions rates and testing theories out to see if conversion rates can be improved. One of the areas we’ve had most success with is applying psychological principals to how the landing page is design and the type of content that is added to the page. The human brain is a wonderful thing and it’s amazing how much power there is in psychology. Online marketing has evolved rapidly over the past few decades and so have the way customers interact with websites. With years of research and surfing the web, customers are now immune to a lot of traditional…

  • Range Rover

    Business Cars – Leasing, Purchasing or Other Schemes?

    Obtaining a business car can be extremely challenging as there are so many different options to consider. Whether to lease, purchase, hire-purchase or finance an automobile is a query that many business owners ask themselves, plus you also need to decide on whether to opt for a brand new car or go second hand. The answer to these questions will depend on your financial situation, needs and personal preference, but here is a closer look at your options. Purchasing Purchasing a business vehicle is ideal for a company that wants to own the car and plans on using it for years to come. This can be an expensive method and…

  • Video Marketing

    5 Ways Live Video Streaming Boosts Business Growth

    Buyers are increasingly getting used to watching and sharing short videos on social media. Platforms such as Facebook provide different alternatives for online advertisers looking for innovative ways for live streaming. Live streamed videos capture the attention of internet users fast. They provide an alternative for sellers to market products and services in ways that bolster their businesses.

  • Renovations

    How to Market Your Remodeling Business Properly

    Marketing any sort of small business can be tough. In the world of remodeling, the fact is that you’ve probably got a dozen competitors in your area. Getting your voice heard above the din can be difficult. That doesn’t mean that you can’t market your business successfully and get the clients that you want and need to grow. It just means that you’re going to have to be smart and creative about how you market your remodeling business. Use this guide to learn more about how you can stand out in a crowded marketplace where consumers have more choices than ever. Understand Your Skills As a home remodeling franchisee, you…

  • Entrepreneur Working

    Tips For Surviving Your First Year As a Business Owner

    Owning your first business is an exciting milestone for an entrepreneur. Statistics say that only 50% of businesses make it past the first 5 years. Therefore the first year is crucial when it comes to setting the tone for your business’s success. When it comes to your business being successful it takes a consistent effort to follow through and make sure that you apply all of the tips that you get.  Here are some of the best for getting through your first year, and ensuring you stay successful and continue to grow. Make Sure You Have All The Right Tools When it comes to setting yourself up for success you…

  • Coffee Plane

    Yes, You Can Run a Business and Travel at the Same Time!

    What comes to mind when you hear about someone who funds their round the world travel adventures by running their own business? If luxury yachts and ageing millionaire tycoons who got rich in the dot com boom are the first images you came up with there’s no shame in that. In fact, this stereotype is probably the most popular depiction of someone who dabbles in work from choice, rather than necessity, despite it being a million miles away from the average person who chooses to transform travel and work into a way of life. That’s the Dream – What’s the Reality? Unless you have some form of private means, most…