• Raleigh, North Carolina

    Jumpstart Your Career in Raleigh

    As college graduates enter the workforce, they often seek the perfect location that will serve as a hub for youth, energy and opportunity. Researching potential career destinations is a great idea for any aspiring leader. The city of Raleigh offers a research park that is home to more than 170 global companies.

  • Woman sending a text message on her mobile phone

    Build Your Business Through SMS Marketing

    Text message marketing is anything but fringe when it comes to driving business. In fact, Mshopper notes that successful SMS campaigns have huge potential, with engagement rates reaching eight times the level of typical email campaigns. A number of retailers, meanwhile, have managed conversion rates as high as 23 percent. Given the brevity and immediate delivery of SMS marketing, the campaign strategy can be very economical and useful to businesses looking to build their client base. But SMS campaigns also deliver marketing materials to a rather personal virtual space: The consumer’s text inbox. As a result, it’s important to respect this access while making the best use of your SMS…

  • Business insurance

    Got It Covered: The 9 Types of Business Insurance Out There

    From Obamacare to workers compensation insurance, the waters of business insurance policies can be difficult to navigate. Ninety-four percent of small businesses believe they are adequately protected by their current insurance policies, according to Inc.com, but only a little more than half of them have the appropriate insurance necessary to recover from a disaster. There are certain insurance policies that a business is required by the government to have, and other insurance policies that intelligent business owners should maintain for their own protection. General Liability Insurance A general liability insurance policy is intended to protect you against a comprehensive set of scenarios, such as libel, slander, medical expenses and legal fees.…

  • Women Shopping

    5 Must-Dos to Increase Retail Shopper Conversions

    Despite the Internet, brick and mortar retail store still serve the marketplace. The Bureau of Labor Statistics expects the employment of retail salespersons to grow approximately 17 percent from 2010 to 2020. Customers still enjoy the experience of shopping in a physical store or boutique, whether shopping for new clothes or books. Yet, to compete with e-commerce, brick and mortar store owners face the ongoing challenge of converting leads into buying, even loyal, customers. Unlike the Internet and e-commerce sites, stores create personal shopping experiences. To capitalize on this advantage, retailers can note the following techniques to boost those sales. 1. Create an Experience Start by making your store an…

  • Businessman holding mobile phone
    Business Tools

    How to Connect Your Mobile Lifestyle With the Rest of Your World

    Worldwide use of mobile devices is on the rise. During the second quarter of 2013, 432 million phones were delivered to eager customers across the globe, the International Data Corporation reported. For that same period one year ago, that number sat at (a still-impressive) 400 million. According to the security company Sophos, the average American carries around three mobile devices. Sure, some of these pieces of equipment are connected to other pieces of equipment (we’ll talk about tethering shortly), but most of the devices are being used wirelessly. E-book readers, smartphones, tablets, laptops—they’re all accessing the Internet with no cord. However, it’s not just the Internet people are accessing while…

  • Network Hardware
    Online Business

    Reducing Internet Downtime Saves Businesses Money Over Time

    The Internet has over the years had a significant impact on the way business is done in many organizations. This is a major shift from the early adopters, who were using the Internet for simple tasks such as reaching out to audiences via websites and providing a resource for employees to communicate or conduct surveys and research – there was absolutely no way of measuring its impact on an organization's bottom line.

  • Production Planning

    What is Preventing Your Business from Prospering?

    While you might be convinced that your business is ticking away at its optimum rate, there are a number of things – probably happening right now – that are hampering your productivity and, as a result, your profitability. In turn, these things can add up to reduce your potential for expansion. Isolated, they might look like tiny little things that aren’t worth thinking about. However, add them up and you might be surprised to find out just how much time they’re eating into – time that could be better spent growing your business and enticing new customers. We’ve compiled the top five things you can do to get things really…

  • Identity Leadership

    Leadership in Business

    When it comes to running a business there are all sorts of different styles of leadership you can take advantage of. However, not all forms of leadership are going to work in certain situations so knowing what there is available to you and what is going to work for you is always necessary. This way should alternative situations arise you are able to change your leadership style in order to best fit the situation and the circumstances. Some cases you may find an online business courses advantageous. Charismatic One of the best forms of leadership is a charismatic leader. This is when you are able to inspire individuals and influence them…

  • Mailbox
    Business Tools

    Address Validation Tools Can Save Your Business Serious Cash

    You’ve captured the addresses of customers and prospects the same way for years, and you don’t really want to switch over to another system that requires re-training your employees. The learning curve and training time are nothing, however, compared to the costs your business incurs because of dirty data in your system. A whopping 94 percent of companies suspect their databases suffer from major inaccuracies, a QAS.com report on data quality notes. Even if you don’t think data cleaning is worth the time and effort, there are indirect and direct costs associated with data quality issues that all businesses need to be aware of. Direct Costs The postage you spend…

  • Management Tips

    The Importance of Listening to Collective Wisdom

    How well you observe people as they interact with various technologies determines your ability to take stock of how they experience products, services, and the beneficial solutions they find in them. Consumers take to innovative products and services positively with an amazing amount of appreciation reflected in the way they patronize, perpetuate the value promise, and even “advertise” them for other consumers to experience. In the process, consumers become distributors of marketing information relevant to the ongoing retail cycle. Your mastery of reading through the way people in organizations solve problems, sustain brand beliefs, or find business solutions in agreement with corporate growth and profitability also determines your continued success…

  • Wallet and Credit Cards

    5 Effective Ways To Track Entertainment Spending

    Tracking expenses for entertainment is one of the hardest things to do. The reason it's so hard for most of us to get our heads around expenses is because we're too busy having fun and not monitoring our monthly budget. Here are five simple ways to get on top of your entertainment expenses before they derail your savings account.

  • Write Business Plan

    How to Write a Business Plan that Secures Funding

    Simply having a great business idea is not enough, one needs strong capital support from investors in order to make their idea a reality. The best way to acquire funds is to lay out a good business plan as financiers require a solid plan to evaluate an investment opportunity. Through a business plan, you can communicate your new business idea’s potential to investors in a logical and convincing manner. Writing an effective business plan may seem like a tedious task but it is critical in helping potential investors assess the business risks before investing in the company. When working towards building a workable business plan, ensure that it clearly and…